General Food Distribution in Wabari District 2010 and 2011

In 2010 and 2011 KAAH Relief And Development Organization carried out general food distribution targeting 4500 Household unaccompanied elders and disabled  people  in Wabari distract Mogadishu –Somalia   This project was funded by WFP and implemented by KAAH in close collaboration with its stakeholders.

The actual recipient of Households were  both female headed family  and male headed family,  the female headed family   were  4320  in addition to male headed family 180, and total  beneficiaries  of this project were 13500 of female and 1350 of male .The  food was distributed include CSB, Cereals and cooking oil.



General Food Distribution  Ceel-Macaan  Middle -Shabelle  in 2012

KAAH Relief and Development Organization carried out general food distribution to  IDPs and vulnerable people who  live in Cel-macaan  village in Middle Shabelle , this project was funded by Somali Disaster Management  Agency and implement by  KAAH , Meals which distributed  include  cereals and cooking oil.